Browse mineral resources


Cinder Pit

Pritchard Creek Phosphate

Unnamed Limestone Occurrence

Mount Pisgah, Caribou Mtn

Evergreen Mine

Gravel Pit

Cinder Pit

Conant Valley

Garden Creek

Fall Creek Travertine Quarry


Gold Placer

Unnamed Location

Mineral Springs

Unnamed Phosphate Deposit

North Fork Rainy Creek


Cinder Pit

Iowa Creek Placer

Long Gulch

Cinder Pit

Peterson Limestone

Snake River Area

Grays Lake

Unnamed Prospect

Rainy Creek Phosphate

Fan Claim

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Phosphate Deposit

Paymaster Mine

Northern Light Mine

Virginia Mine

Unnamed Limestone Occurrence

Cinder Hill

Clay, Brick

Rock Hollow

Real Mc Coy No. 1

Bilk Creek Placer

Tincup Placer

Monte Cristo Mine

Fall Creek Travertine Mine

Copper Queen Mine

Croley Mine

Mccoy Creek Limestone - Dolomite Deposit

Uranium Sample Locality 3

Uranium Sample Locality 6

Uranium Sample Locality 7

Uranium Sample Locality 16

Uranium Sample Localities 17 and 18

Uranium Sampling Localities 19 and 20

Uranium Sampling Locality 21

Uranium Sampling Locality 24

Uranium Sampling Localities 25 and 26

Uranium Sampling Localities 27 and 28

Uranium Sampling Locality 30

Uranium Sampling Locality 32

Uranium Sampling Localities 33 and 34

Uranium Sampling Locality 36

City Creek Gold Placer

Little Valley Phosphate Occurrence

Pumice Deposit (West of Ammon)

Pumice Deposit (Snake River Valley)

Idaho Falls Pumice Co. Deposit

Snake River Area (Bentonite Occurrence)

Palisades Creek Coal and Phosphate Deposit

Barnes Creek Placer

Phosphate Deposit

Papoose Creek Phosphate Deposit

Swan Valley Phosphate

Robinson Mine

Apache Iron Deposit

Austin Mine

Griffin Prospect

Fall Creek Phosphate Deposit

Pumice, Inc. Mine

Iron Deposit

Upper Palisades Lake Limestone Deposit

Fall Creek, Porcupine Creek Limestone -Dolomite Deposit

Palisades Reservoir Limestone Deposit

Limestone Deposit

Fall Creek Limestone Deposit

Limestone Deposit

North Fork Rainy Creek Prospect

Meadow Creek - Call Dugway Occurrance

Trench H Phosphate Occurrence

Trench I Phosphate Occurrence

E. A. Rex Mining Co. Phosphate Lease

Uranium Sampling Locality 31

Uranium Sampling Locality 35

Uranium Sampling Locality 39

Pumice Deposit (Ammon Valley)

Pumice Deposit (Indian Siding Pit)

Fall Creek Coal Mine

Red Ridge Phosphate Deposit

Bear Creek Phosphate Deposit

Ammon Area Pumice Deposit

Palisades Creek Area Limestone - Dolomite Deposit

Dry Fork Limestone Deposit

Mccoy - Iowa Creeks Placer

South Rainy Creek Phosphate Deposit

North Fork of Eagle Creek Lode

Iowa Bar Placer

Mccoy Creek Placer Ii

Tincup Creek Placer

Bilk Gulch Placer

Mc Coy Creek Gold Placer I

Lucky Strike Group Placers

Trench G. Phosphate Occurrence

God Send To Health Mine

Brinson Coal Prospect

Uranium Sampling Locality 23

Uranium Sample Locality 2

Uranium Sample Locality 8

Uranium Sampling Locality 22

Uranium Sampling Locality 29

Uranium Sampling Locality 38

Pumice Deposit

Caribou Mountain Feldspar Occurrence

Pine Creek Limestone Deposit

Pine Creek Phosphate Deposit

Roy Coles Placer

Pittsburg Mine

Gravel Pit, Bonneville Co

Gravel Pit

Valley Ready Mix Plant

Unnamed Prospect

Gravel Pit, Id Hwy Dpt

Caribou City-Stump Creek Area Mla

Gravel Pit

Unnamed Hot Spring

Unnamed Prospect

Amcor Crushing Plant

Gravel Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Gravel Pit, Bonneville Co



Gravel Pit

Burns Pit

Gravel Pit, Id Hwy Dpt

Wheeler Pit No 4

Grey Eagle

Gravel Pit, Id Hwy Dpt

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit, Bonneville Co

Gravel Pit, Bonneville Co

Unnamed Prospect

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